From Self-Sabotage to Self-Love


Do any of the following statements resonate with you?

  • You are tired of letting outside circumstances control your wellbeing.

  • You try too hard to please others and secretly resent that.

  • You are increasingly aware of the impact your thoughts have on your reality.

  • You feel it's time to get into the driving seat of your life.

  • You no longer want to feel the past controls you.

  • You have a niggling feeling it's time to stop playing small.

  • You are paralysed by fear or procrastination.

As women we are prone to certain habits that keep us playing small, feeling stuck, and lacking confidence. In my 12 + years as a professional coach, working exclusively with women around confidence and mindset, I have identified the same themes in my clients. Destructive habits and patterns that we are often not even aware of. 

In this course I have brought together these top 10 habits, named them and given strategies to overcome them.

In this free course we delve deep into these habits and finally begin break free of them. 

When you join you'll receive:

~ an e-book which describes each habit

~ a workbook with transformative questions and journaling prompts

~ access to a private Facebook group 

~ videos discussing each habit, techniques to break free, questions and answers, a supportive community & more.

To join, please complete the contact form below and then check for a message from me in the next 24 hours :)

1: Comparing

2: Criticizing

3: Letting your gremlin run the show

4: Neglecting self-care

5: Giving up on your dreams

6: A lack of boundaries

7: Not living in the present

8: Ignoring your intuition

9: Having toxic friends in your life

10: Being anyone other than you

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