If you have always dreamed of being your own boss, or if you have a business and want to grow it - I am so glad you are here.

I am not a "get rich overnight" type of Coach or Mentor - I have been where you are, and I know how hard it can be. 

When I started out as a Professional Coach, I was already in full-time employment, so I didn't have to worry about finding clients. But when I saw a lot of my coaching friends struggle, I realised that if I ever wanted to work for myself (which I always dreamed of doing), I would need to learn some stuff, ok a lot of stuff.

So that is exactly what I did, I went on a mission to educate myself, and learn what it took to not just start a business, but to build a sustainable income, doing something I was truly passionate about. I read books, I learned about successful women in the field (Marie Forleo being one of my idols), I took courses & I invested heavily in my own business by working with some of the greats, which I still do today: 

Racheal Cook, Leonie Dawson, Kat Reynolds "The Business Beautician",  Emma Holmes (Coaching Rockstars) & currently Bushra Azhar.

And I know just how worth it it is when you are living your authentic truth, offering a service you believe in and yeah, being your own boss is awesome.

To explore how we can work together, just click the tabs to learn more :)

Feel free to contact me to ask any questions, using the contact form or email me directly:

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