Career Laser-Coaching

In my 18 years as a Career Coach, I have narrowed down the top 6 issues that I help career-clients with:


Need some feedback on your interview game & tips for improvement?

Want to work on any specific question (up to 3 per session)?

Let's get you answering better than ever before, after just 30 minutes.


Do you struggle to speak up at work and say what you really want to?

Do you dread meetings because others talk over you?

Terrified by the thoughts of presentations?

Let's spend 30 minutes together working on your communication strategy so you feel empowered & confident when communicating.


Thinking about changing your job or career but don't know where to start?

Give me 30 minutes to help you plan the next 3 steps to move you towards making that change, with ease.


Got a problem at work that you don't know how to approach?

Let's hash it out, decide on how to tackle it, and plan your next steps, in 30 minutes.


Want to give your CV / LinkedIn / Cover Letter a quick review to see that it's selling you effectively, and not causing problems with the ATS?

Let's get stuck in for 30 minutes and you will come away with my top professional tips for optimizing your personal brand.


Is that pay-rise long overdue, but you dread asking?

Do you find it hard to ask for changes at work, from your team or management?

Take 30 minutes with me to nail your pitch so you can ask for what you want, clearly & confidently.

INVESTMENT: 1 session - 600 czk / 3 sessions 1,650 czk / 5 sessions - 2,500 czk

Sessions are 30 minutes each & take place online.

Please fill out the contact form below to book.

Terms & Conditions apply & will be sent prior to payment.

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