Career Change: Top Fears
So many people dream of changing their career, so why are more people not taking the leap?
The answer is almost always related to fears and limiting beliefs.
In this blog I will address the fears I most often encounter in my Coaching, and my top tips to flip your mindset and move forward.
It's worth noting before we start, that from a neuroscience / psychology perspective, "a belief is just a thought you keep thinking", so it can be easily replaced and changed.
Furthermore, FEAR = False Expectations Appearing Real.
So, the first step is deciding that false expectations and limiting beliefs do not rule your life and this is the day you decide to take back control.
I'll have to take a big pay cut
Maybe not, don't assume that this has to be the case. Instead of seeing yourself as "entry-level" and inexperienced in your new field, focus on your transferable skills. These days the emphasis from the recruitment and hiring perspective is on transferable & soft skills. Just because you have never done the exact role, you are bound to have plenty of skills that suit it. Your professional history doesn't go away, and you are not necessarily starting from scratch. You are in fact bringing a lot to the table – start to think about it like this.
It won't work out & I'll make a fool of myself
With any change comes an element of risk, and our brains are hardwired to think of the worst case scenario, & keep us "safe", i.e. stuck.
Read any article about regrets of the dying, and the common theme is about being happy and taking chances. No one regrets taking a risk, they regret not taking them.
And there's a huge chance it will work out, you will be much happier and also proud of yourself for making the change.
Staying where you are is not the answer, don't let fear lead you to regret, because you don't get a second shot at this life.
I should be happy with what I have
Tell me why exactly, in what rule book is that stated?
It's often only women that think this way.
We are not conditioned to want more, to play big.
We often fail to acknowledge and validate our own needs and desires.
But why shouldn't you, you deserve to be happy too?
Don't settle, in life, love or work, aim high – you are worth it.
I've Invested too much - "The sunk cost fallacy"
"But I put so much time and effort into getting to where I am now"
"It's too late to change"
These are statements I hear all the time from clients.
But here's the thing – it's ok to change and to want something different.
The time invested is never wasted, it's made you who you are today.
Just like an unhappy marriage, why do we force ourselves to stay when it's not working?
Time invested does not equal happiness.
You have the rest of your working life ahead of you, decide now to make happiness your priority.
I don't know how to brand myself
People do it everyday, if others can then you can. It's a simple case of identifying what you want, identifying what skills you have that match, and then re-branding your CV & LinkedIn.
I have written blogs on branding and career change.
I also offer a free Personal Branding Guide.
It is doable, it really is, once you make the decision and commit to it.
And please, above all, forget seeking permission or approval from others – give it to yourself, you'll be glad you did.
PS need extra help? I offer a Career Change Coaching Package or E-course