I have created x 4 MINI COURSES to help you to make big changes, without investing much time or money. Each e-course is delivered via e-mail, over 5 days.
You will receive daily tips and prompts, with worksheets and other resources to guide you. And follow up check in emails & further support from me.
To request access just fill out the contact form below and state which one you want. Please be sure to check all folders, including spam, for my reply.
INVESTMENT: Each course is only 250 czk / €10, or buy 2 and get 1 FREE
1: Personal Brand Upgrade
Over 5 days I will send you the latest tips and tricks to elevate your Personal Brand. This free course includes:
- How to use job adverts to help upgrade your brand
- Worksheets to fully assess all of your skills
- My newest CV guide
- The latest tips for your LinkedIn profile
- A Cover Letter guide
- Bonus worksheets
2: Freelance or Business Launch Plan
Whether you need some direction with marketing & branding your business, or you’re an employee who dreams of escaping, this 5 day course will motivate you to clarify your offerings and take action.
- Clarify your purpose & big why
- Re-brand your skills to create a service or business
- Understand your customer avatar
- Establish an online presence, for free
- Develop a simple yet effective marketing plan
- Worksheets, planners, and guides included
3: Goal Setting
"A goal without a plan is just a dream", so over 5 days I will show you how to:
- Review your life to identify areas needing change
- Connect with your core values
- Create time and space for your goals
- Make an action plan and stay on track
- Use psychology to stay motivated
- Includes worksheets, writing prompts, and planners
4: Confidence Booster
Low confidence is often what holds us back, but did you know that confidence is easy to improve?
- Learn what confidence is and how it works
- Choose one key area to work on
- Identify and flip limiting beliefs in this area
- Begin to take small steps in the right direction
- Feel your confidence grow
- Worksheets, exercises and planners included
To request access to one, more, or all of these courses, please complete the form below and ensure:
1: You state which course or courses you want and
2: Check your inbox / spam folder for my reply
3: By completing this form you are giving me permission to send you emails - these courses are delivered by email. You are also consenting to follow up emails -you can unsubscribe any time.